Boomer Style Magazine


The Many Benefits of Drinking Tea

April 29, 2012 by boomerstyle in Health with 0 Comments

Black, Oolong, Green or White?  That is the question…

Jan Faris

As we age we begin to look for health foods and drinks that are good for us. One of these is tea—a pleasant alternative to sugary soft drinks, for example. Green tea’s popularity began approximately 10 years ago and recently white tea also has been recognized for its health benefits. You may be surprised at much better you’ll feel by drinking them daily.

Most tea lovers know that tea originates from China and comes from the Camilla sinensis tea bush. The exception is Red Tea (Rooibos) which comes from the Agpalathis linearis plant in South Africa.

Depending on your tea preference from the darkest (black) down to the lightest (white) you gain more and more from these natural antioxidants. Here is a breakdown of those teas and the benefits each carries.

Black Tea

This tea is more oxidized than others and has a rosy sweet aroma. It is the darkest and strongest of the teas with the highest caffeine levels. It’s an antioxidant and helps maintain body fluid function. Black tea derives its dark color and full flavor from a fermentation process that exposes its crushed leaves to the air for a defined number of minutes.

Oolong Tea

Oolong, a blue-green tea, is partially fermented which gives it a distinct reddish color and a flowery flavor. It is closer in taste to green tea and is generally brewed strong with its bitterness leaving a sweet aftertaste. This is the type of tea served in most Chinese restaurants. It is also rich in antioxidants and, like black tea, helps maintain the body fluid function. Caffeine levels are slightly lower.

Green Tea

This is the tea that took our country by storm a few years back. It has a stridently grassy vegetal taste and does take some getting use to, but is so worth it due to its health benefits. Caffeine levels are low. Tea leaves used in making green tea are not fermented at all, but withered by hot air and then quickly steamed or pan-fried. This is the reason for its light color.

Research studies show that green tea can lower chance of heart disease and some cancers because of the number of polyphenols. There are approximately 240-320 mg in three cups of green tea so the more tea you drink, the higher the polyphenols. Another study at Cleveland’s Western Reserve University leads to the conclusion that drinking four or more cups of green tea per day could help prevent rheumatoid arthritis, or reduce symptoms in individuals already suffering from the disease. Japanese scientists at the Saitama Cancer Research Institute discovered that there were fewer recurrences of breast cancer in women with a history of drinking five cups or more of green tea daily. The same report cited that the disease will spread less quickly.

Although there is no scientific evidence at present, there have been reports that green tea aids in weight loss. What is known is that green tea extract induces thermogenesis which stimulates fat oxidation in the body. This has been helpful to doctors for obesity management of their patients.

White Tea

While the Chinese have been wise to the benefits of white tea since the Ming Dynasty, until recently it was unknown outside of Asia. Researchers, restaurant chefs and its users are praising its delicate flavor and its health benefits.  Market researchers predict it will be the next hot new food trend – or possibly the miracle drug of the century! Caffeine levels are at their lowest in this tea.

Why is White Tea Ggood for You?

  1.  Is highest in antioxidants.
  2.  Restores body fluid balance faster than sport drinks.
  3.  Contains low levels of caffeine and stimulates the brain, promoting alertness.
  4.  Produces a natural endurance enhancer for physical activity.
  5.  Does not stain teeth. It contains fluoride and is beneficial to oral and dental heath.
  6.  Accelerates metabolism.
  7.  Lowers sugar intake and contains no calories. Drink white tea instead of calorie-filled sodas or sport drinks.
  8.  Modifies metabolism and helps detoxify harmful substances in the body.
  9.  Sipping 2-3 cups throughout the day helps relieve stress.

Red Tea (Rooibos)

Many tea houses around the country are now offering red tea which contains no caffeine, is low in tannin and naturally sweet. It is a great drink for pregnant or nursing women and can be enjoyed all day long without side effects to the stomach. Here is a partial list of its benefits:


  1.  Eases irritability, headaches, nervous tension and insomnia.
  2.  Acts as an anti-spasmodic agent to relieve stomach cramps and colic in infants.
  3.  Can be used to treat hay fever, asthma and eczema.
  4.  Placed directly on the skin, it can slow down the aging process.
  5.  Boosts the immune system.

Rooibos, the Red Bush Tea of South Africa, was the development of mountain inhabitants centuries ago. Described by many as having astounding healing powers, the tea brewed from Rooibos is also abundantly flavorful, yet full-bodied with a sweet, earthy aroma.

A truly satisfying cup of tea begins with the best water. Fill the kettle with freshly drawn, cold water from the purest source available.

Bring water to a boil. Pour over one tea bag per cup, allowing 4 to 6 minutes for the flavor to unfold into your cup. Longer steeping time will release more of the beneficial components, and not result in bitterness.

Drinking one to three cups of tea daily is recommended to maximize health benefits. So no matter which kind you prefer, you can raise a toast to yourself for a long healthy life!

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