Boomer Style Magazine


Remember Me

April 30, 2012 by shelli.carlisle in Movies with 0 Comments

An Unforgettable Story
Shelli Carlisle

Once in a Blue Moon (not to be confused with New Moon) a film comes along that knocks me on my arse. Remember Me is such a film.

Having lost my father at ten-years-old, then a few short years later my younger brother to suicide, Remember Me felt as if it was my story.

The screenplay was written with dignity and honesty, taking the viewers to places most of us try to hide from one another. The actors put it all out there, which is what brings this compelling story to life. Robert Pattinson, unleashes the primitive emotions of tragic devastating loss and delivers it with a punch.

So, who, you may ask, is Robert Pattinson?

Was it a hot flash or the hot guy?

Pattinson is a conundrum. At age 23, he is the hottest actor around. His role as the heartthrob vampire, Edward Cullen in the Twilight Film saga, has made it necessary for him to hire body guards, just to keep his fans at a safe distance. Though this is difficult to admit, this phenomena has also bitten me–as the dreamy thespian has taken me aback. Whew! Is it hot in here?


If you could read my thoughts…

Sneak Peek
So, I’m browsing the internet and I see Pattinson’s name pop up. Okay, I’ll just take a quick peek at the picture–to see what he looks like without all the vampire make-up. First, I glance around the room to make sure my teenage daughter isn’t nearby.
Heaven forbid she catches me checking out a guy that’s only a few years older than her. Okay, cool, all’s clear.
C l i c k.
OH–MY–GOD! This guy is beautiful. Hmm…I wonder if he can really act? I’ve only seen him in two films. In both he played a bloodsucker. And, how hard is it to play a vampire anyway?
I decided to check out Pattinson’s new film Remember Me. I find my keys, jump in the car and drive to my local theater, grab a popcorn and a diet coke, find my seat and settle in for what I thought would be a mediocre film, at best. Apparently, most of the women in my town had the same idea. The room was full and not a man in sight.

You can never be known for what you want to
be known for…People will know you for whatever
they want to know you for.”

~ Robert Pattinson

Emilie de Ravin and Robert Pattinson in Remember Me

So, am really hoping no one recognizes me. What could the explaination be about going to a movie with a very young,very hot, and very sexy guy in the lead role?

I know, I can tell my friends I went to see a film with Pierce Brosnan and that vampire guy, what’s his name…happened to be in it, too. Because, honestly, how good could this movie be? And, how convincing would Pattinson be without his beloved ‘Bella’ beside him?

The lights went down the curtains went up, (not really up, more like sideways) and the film began. Let me just say, without anymore nonsense, Pattinson is a phenomenal actor. Honestly was not prepared for his captivating performance. Within a few minutes, vampires and schoolgirls filled with angst were forgotten.

I was hooked.

Did I mention this guy is phenomenal? How about gorgeous? Sexy? Extraordinary…

Oh Yes, Where was I?

The film, okay, here goes…

In Remember Me, Pattinson plays Tyler, an angry young man who is dealing with his brother’s suicide. He is lost and it seems he might not find his way back. His relationship with his father, Brosnan, is broken. His mother, played by Lena Olin, is supportive but is also dealing with the lack of interest her ex-husband, Brosnan, shows for Tyler and his younger sister, Caroline [Ruby Jerins].

The only person Tyler seems to live for is Caroline, until he meets Ally [Emille de Ravin], who also has suffered a life changing tragedy. Ally’s father, portrayed by Chris Cooper is dealing with their loss in his own way. Hovering over his daughter, he smothers her with unfounded worry.

Tyler and Ally embrace the strength and happiness they find in their common bond. Together, they fight their way back and gain the ability to again embrace life.

Remember Me is not just another love story, Remember Me is unforgettable. I still don’t know if it was a hot flash that got me or the hot guy, probably both.



Not Only Beautiful, this Guy Sings, too!

Pattinson is on the top ten list in People’s 2009 World’s Most Beautiful People list. Keep an eye out for him, believe me, we will be seeing him receive an Oscar one day. Pattinson is also a fabulous musician and singer. Hopefully he will release an album soon.

Oh and One More Thing…

I’m not ashamed to admit it, I am a huge Twilight fan, a Twi-Hard if you must. I’ve read all the books (more than a couple of times), seen Twilight and Twilight: New Moon (a few times) and will be one of the many, standing in line at midnight on June 29, 2010 for the premiere of Twilight: Eclipse.


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