Boomer Style Magazine


And, the Greatest of These is Love

April 29, 2012 by boomerstyle in Spiritual with 0 Comments

Ten Actions to Show Love to Your Partner 

Krista Dunk

When I think about the love of God, I realize it is the most powerful force that exists. Our minds can’t really comprehend it, although, our hearts and spirits may experience it.  At the core, everything God has done, is doing, and will do for humanity is out of a heart motivated by love. Could this amazing love exist between a husband and wife as well?

Although we are humans who err daily, we can still be capable of great love also.  Because we have been given the example of God’s great love, we should model ourselves after it.  Unfortunately, our society places an emphasis on negativity, so we need to be cautious and purposeful about expressing love in our marriage relationships.  Spouses seeing the imperfections of each other can easily become a habitual mindset and discussion topic.  Having expectations without an attitude of gratitude can sour even the most basic marital communications and feelings. Marriage takes effort and planning. Loving someone is not always easy, but we need to work on it purposefully.

Can we say that our actions are always motivated by love? Not always, as we are imperfect. However, knowing we are imperfect and, yet, God still loves us proves imperfection can be loveable. Learn to love your spouse, the imperfections and all–always encouraging them to grow in wisdom and character.

Simple Love Actions

What are some simple ways that you can show love to your partner? Some people enjoy hearing or reading words of appreciation, others may like getting gifts. Each person is a bit different in what they appreciate receiving. Here are some ideas to make your spouse feel special today:


•  Send your spouse a written love note in the mail.
•  Send them random text messages and unexpected e-mails asking for a date or saying how much they mean to you.

•  Cook their favorite meal even if it’s not a special occasion.
•  Give them a massage and other close physical touch.
•  Praise them in front of other people and make them feel respected.
•  Take care of a task that’s normally their responsibility.
•  Plan a surprise date night.
•  Buy a unique gift for your spouse, just to say you were thinking about them.
•  Give them a kiss goodbye every time you part.
•  Forgive quickly, and communicate from your hearts often.


Use these simple examples or some creative ideas of your own to make a positive impact in your marriage. The world today seems to be a dry, tough place. Fill your home and marriage with love so it becomes a haven. When you sow love, you will reap it back.

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