Boomer Style Magazine


Saint Valentine

February 10, 2013 by boomerstyle in Spiritual with 0 Comments

Saint Valentine, one was a Roman priest martyred during the reign of Claudius II.

Shelli CarlisleThe Man, The Myth, The Legend
Shelli Carlisle

In the days of Ancient Rome, the name Valentine, which translates as worthy, strong and powerful was very popular as Jacob or Seth is today. A lot of moms back in the day were probably hoping their little tykes would have these attributes and so named their boys Valentine. Since the name was so popular, it could be why no one is really sure who Saint Valentines was.

So where did the association of Valentine and love begin?  There are several theories, my personal favorite is the tale of Valentine, a Roman priest martyred during the reign of Claudius II.

And, So the Story Goes…

Valentine was caught helping and marrying Christian couples who were being persecuted in Rome by Claudius II.  This was a big no-no.  In fact it was considered a crime.

Poor Valentine was imprisoned and condemned to death. While imprisoned, Valentine was beaten with clubs and stoned.  You think this would have stopped him, but it is said he continued to arrange marriages for Christian couples from prison.  Claudius was enraged the beating and stoning failed to kill Valentine. He subsequently had Valentine beheaded. What a jerk!

Valentine Facts

In the Middle Ages, Saint Valentine had become the patron saint of love and lovers in England and France. So, when Pope Gelasius decided to put an end to pagan celebrations of Feast of Lupercalia, he declared in 498 AD that 14th February to be lcelebrated as Saint Valentine’s Day. Since then, lovers began to express their love on the martyrdom day of Saint Valentine.

In the Middle Ages, Saint Valentine had become the patron saint of love and lovers in England and France. So, when Pope Gelasius decided to put an end to pagan celebrations of Feast of Lupercalia, he declared in 498 AD that 14th February to be celebrated as Saint Valentine’s Day. Since then, lovers began to express their love on the martyrdom day of Saint Valentine.

The first Valentine thought to ever be written dates back to 1415 when Charles, the Duke of Orleans, who was imprisoned in the Tower of London, sent a love letter to his wife.

Fact or Myth?

The first candies to be sent were said to be made by Mrs. Sees,who was so poor, she Letters to Juliet Celebrating Shakespeare's Greatest Heroine the Magical City of Veronacouldn’t afford to buy a valentine for her her hubby; instead, she made him a box of chocolates (she also handed out free samples to her neighbors). But I am not sure if this is really true.

Club di Giulietta?

The Italian city of Verona, where Shakespeare’s lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 5,000 letters addressed to Juliet each Valentine’s Day. There’s actually a group of women called The Juliets who answer many of these letters.

From the time we were young children in school up to today, we all look forward to the little trinkets, cards, candy and flowers shared between friends, family and lovers on Valentine’s Day.

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