Boomer Style Magazine


This is Really a Bad Idea (Stimulus or Pork?)

April 27, 2012 by lyra in Opinion with 0 Comments

This is Really a Bad Idea
Newt Gingrich

I’m sure by now you’ve heard of the almost one trillion dollar stimulus package moving through the U.S. Senate.

But it’s not really a stimulus bill. It’s a big government, big corruption, and big pork bill.

Among many other wasteful, non-stimulative projects, it includes $650 million for digital TV coupons, $1 billion for climate satellite and habitat restoration programs, and $600 million to replace a portion of the federal government vehicle fleet.

In the video below, I lay out in stark terms exactly why this bill, as currently written, is not worthy of our support. Please take a moment to watch.

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The Gallup Poll found that 54% of Americans either want to see major changes to the current plan, or they outright reject it. Other surveys are also indicating that public support is plummeting. Politicians can call it stimulus and they can call it change, but it’s just more of the same – and the American people are starting to realize it.

That’s why the time to act is now. With so much at stake, our elected officials need to hear from us.

Here is what you can do–pick up your phone and call your Senators right now at 202-224-3121. Let them know exactly what you think about how they intend to spend your hard-earned money.

The Senate is voting at the end of this week, so please make the call today.


Your friend,



P.S. In times of great challenge, it is often reassuring to look back at some of our greatest leaders. One of those leaders is Ronald Reagan. Callista and I just finished a new movie, entitled “Rendezvous with Destiny,” which will premiere on Friday. To watch the trailer and order your copy, please visit.




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