Boomer Style Magazine


The Hardest Victory

April 28, 2012 by boomerstyle in Inspire with 0 Comments
The Hardest Victory
Alexander Green
Dear Reader,
Today I’m in my favorite city, New York, speaking at a VIP Traders Conference.
Investors gather at these events to discuss various approaches to the stock market. I remind them, however, that success will not come from adopting a particular trading technique or even from buying the “right” investments.
No, their results will depend on the same thing that determines our success in virtually everything we do: self-discipline.

Investing is not rocket science. All you need is a proven approach, realistic expectations and the discipline to follow through. As with most things in life, easier said than done.
Take dieting, for example. It is estimated that Americans spend up to $6 billion annually on dieting aids. But let’s be honest with ourselves. Dieting is not about Atkins, South Beach, Jenny Craig or NutriSystem. Nor is it about cholesterol, carbs, sugars or fat grams.
It’s about math. Every day of your life you either take in more calories than you burn or burn more calories than you take in. (Glance in the direction of your belt buckle to see your total.)

You already know which foods are good for you and which ones aren’t. No one needs to tell you “breakfast of fruit and yogurt – good. Donuts and coffee – bad.” “Tuna fish and salad for lunch – good. Whopper and fries – bad.” Come on. Losing weight is about nothing more than committing to a healthy diet and regular exercise.
I happen to be an expert on this subject, incidentally. Over the past two years I’ve been trying to lose 10 pounds and, so far, all I’ve lost is two years.
I don’t kid myself that my diet and exercise program “hasn’t worked.” I haven’t worked. I haven’t gotten off my fat duff often enough – and rarely passed on that fresh slice of New York cheesecake slathered with raspberry sauce.
We can blame circumstances all we want. In our hearts, we know that lack of genuine commitment is the real reason for most of our unmet goals, whether in academics, athletics, career advancement, wealth building, you name it. Fortunately, this is something we can change.
“Self-discipline is the foundation of freedom,” writes Matthew Kelly in “The Rhythm of Life.” “It is the foundation of greatness, achievement, heroism, leadership, sanctity, and vibrant and flourishing communities and nations… If you examine the lives of men and women who have achieved little or nothing with their lives, people who are miserable, mean and dispassionate, you will discover that it was not other people who destroyed their lives. Destruction always comes from within.”
A satisfied life comes from meeting your most important objectives. And that means doing what needs to be done, without wasting time or energy worrying about whether or not you feel like it. As the Nike slogan insists, “Just do it.”
“When we develop the habit of plunging in without whining, complaining or procrastinating, we are on our way to genuine freedom,” observes author Laurence G. Boldt. “We may not want to face it in such stark terms, but the choice is self-discipline or dependency; boss yourself or be bossed.”
Some folks imagine that making personal commitments and keeping them is a chore. It may feel that way at first. But, ultimately, it can be liberating. Wise men have understood this for centuries.
“Choose always the way that seems the best, however rough it may be, custom will soon render it easy and agreeable,” proclaimed the Greek mathematician Pythagoras. “No man is free who cannot command himself.”
The Roman philosopher Seneca concurred. “Let us train our minds to desire what the situation demands.”
“I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies,” said Aristotle. “The hardest victory is the victory over self.”
Millions have the ambition to succeed – and the aptitude as well. Why do so few move ahead? Perhaps they imagine that since they can master the job, there is no need to master themselves.

Big mistake. Seldom are we able to govern events. More often we are challenged to govern ourselves.
As Siddhartha Gautama said 2,400 years ago:
“Carpenters bend wood; fletchers bend arrows; wise men fashion themselves.”
Carpe Diem,Alex
Friday, June 20, 2008

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