Boomer Style Magazine

Eyes On Freedom

Illegal Immigration Costs

May 14, 2012 by lyra in Eyes On Freedom with 0 Comments

Link to every U.S. Senator with contact information

FootnotesFootnote May 26, 2018: This article was first published in 2009; when Microsoft Office quit hosting websites we had to move the whole magazine, at that time over 1,000 pages of original content. While this is an old article; it gives great pause to see how not only has our government not solved the problem they have created with the costs and crime of illegal immigration; they have made it worse by enacting laws to remove the efficacy of the original laws they made. One has to think this is intentional. At that point further reflection on this realizes how infiltrated our government is with socialists, marxists, communists and globalists (Yes, we know they are to be capitalized, we choose not to). As the interference in upholding the rule of law in the United States of America is explicitly being attacked by treasonous individuals who govern our country,


Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff Explaining
Difficulties of Building the Fence 



Duncan Hunter lead the efforts to build the border fence south of San Diego.
Source: Glenn Beck June 12, 2007



Hospital Costs Testimony
(Added original publication as the original video was removed from YouTube)


No need to editorialize. Here is a sampling of the sort of facts the politicians and pro-illegal lobby want you to ignore, yet expect you to continue to bear the burden of. Is it any wonder scores of hospitals in border states and elsewhere have shut down or closed their ER units?

Father Bascio Discusses the Immorality of Illegal Immigration


Terminology Excerpt from Wikipedia

There have been campaigns in many countries since 2007 discouraging the use of the term “illegal immigrant”. They are generally based on the argument that the act of immigrating illegally does not make the people themselves illegal, but rather they are “people who have immigrated illegally”. In the United States, a “Drop the I-Word” campaign was launched in 2010 advocating for the use of terms such as undocumented immigrants or unauthorized immigrants when referring to the foreign nationals who reside in a country illegally.[6][7]


News associations that have discontinued or discourage the use of the adjective “illegal” to describe nouns that describe people include the US Associated Press,[8] UK Press Association, European Journalism Observatory,[9] European Journalism Centre,[10] Association of European Journalists, Australian Press Council,[11] and Australian Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance.[12] Related terms that describe actions are not similarly discouraged by these campaigns. For example, Associated Press continues to use the term “illegal immigration” to describe the action of entering or residing in a country illegally.


In contrast, in some contexts the term “illegal immigrants” is shortened, often pejoratively,[13] to “illegals”.[14][15][16]

On a funny note, forgot to link the Wikipedia excerpt and had already closed down the page. Took a snippet, word for word, from the above paragraph to find the webpage easily and this is what it turned up:

a totally different page from Wikipedia.

Stop Illigal Immigration


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