Boomer Style Magazine

Emily Browne

Full of Crap

April 28, 2012 by boomerstyle in Emily Browne with 0 Comments

Emily Browne Gets Colonics in Napa Valley at Colon Care Center in Napa Valley, California. Photograph and Illustration by Dawn Bonner

Where Do You Put That??  Kidding Right?
Dawn Bonner
“You put what where? And this is supposed to be good for you?  You’ve got to be kidding,” said an amazed Emily Browne of her friend Lisa.
Lisa shared her secret fountain of youth and vitality with Emily Browne.  Lisa is the absolute picture of health is an attractive, vibrant brunette with gorgeous skin, vivid green eyes, and shiny silky hair.
Emily Browne couldn’t figure out how putting a tube into the opposite end of her friends head could accomplish this, but she knew she wanted to attain that same type of vim and vigor.  Colonic hydrotherapy is the removal of waste toxins in your body.
Lisa said, “Many people are full of crap, but in my experience, colonics can help the body to normalize itself.”
The women found an article in USA Today, Jan. 11, 1999, which said, “Most people have five to 10 pounds stored in their colon…According to autopsies, John Wayne had 40 pounds and Elvis Presley had 60 pounds.”
Lisa grabbed a book out of her purse, The Parasite Menace by Dr. Skye Weintraub who is a practicing naturopathic physician.  As if being full of crap wasn’t bad enough, the old fecal matter doesn’t allow for the intestines to asbsorb the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from the food eaten.  Then, it becomes a maternity ward and host for yeast overgrowth, parasites, and OMGosh–worms.  The parasites in the book are freaky.  There are photographs of worms which came out of people’s colons and it looked like aliens from outer space had invaded their bodies.  They are downright evil looking.
These predators get the benefit of all the good nutrition first.
Emily Browne realized she could be suffering from malnutrition.  “This is wrong, very, very wrong,” said Emily Browne.
Lisa said, “I used to eat a lot of Sushi, after reading The Parasite Menace I realized my health issues were probably from parasites, toxins, and pollution.”
“I didn’t want my husband to see me sleep because I would drool and grind my teeth.  Not a sexy sight on our honeymoon.  So, I would force myself to stay awake until I was sure he was asleep and would get up before he did in the morning,” laughed Lisa.  “I was tempted to sleep with a strip of toothpaste on my finger. so upon waking I could eat it and cover up my bad breath, but I didn’t want my husband to think I was a nut.”
Lisa said her symptoms disappeared after six colonics and a series of probiotics.  Plus, her eyes became a deeper green, shining like emeralds.  Her vertigo disappeared, she lost 10 pounds and her bad breath was a thing of the past.
Emily Browne had been feeling fatigued, depressed, and lethargic.  She was also suffering from insomnia, brittle hair, and some skin rashes.  She thought she too may be full of crap, so she decided to use Lisa’s evacuation plan.  She immediately dialed up Lisa’s specialist, Suzan Almirol, in Napa who is a certified colon therapist and set-up an appointment for a series of nine treatments.
Dressed in the gown she was given, Emily Browne walked into the immaculate room.  Almirol showed her the tube (about the size of a pencil) that was to be inserted into her bum and showed Emily Browne how to guide the tube.  It was a bit odd and uncomfortable, but not painful.  She was then instructed to roll onto her back and warm water was infused into her large intestines.  Almirol massaged her tummy, which helped because the first 15 minutes Emily Browne experienced cramping and got a hot flash from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.  Emily Browne thinks this is because there was a large release of toxins.  The procedure lasted about 50 minutes.
Almirol educated Emily Browne during her session.  For instance, she did not know it was normal to have bowel movements two times a day and anything less is constipation.  She also learned that asthma, acne, headaches, sinusitis, fatigue, memory lapses, aches and pains, as well as many other ailments can be due to toxic overload in the body.
The very adept, nurturing, and comical therapist made Emily Browne feel comfortable during this odd experience.  Almirol has a great bedside manner.  Almirol also shared that she had several health crises and believe colon hydrotherapy saved her life.  Which is why this is her calling.  Another thing Emily Browne found of interest is Dr. Douglas Brodie of Reno, Nevada recommends all his cancer clients recieve colonics to aid the body in functioning better.
After the session, Emily Browne hit the latrine for more releasing of toxins, shall we say?  The release got a bit noisy.  But, she felt cleaner and lighter afterwards.  That evening for the first time in quite awhile, Emily Browne slept peacefully throughout the night.
By the end of her nine sessions with Almirol, Emily Browne was having movements two to three times a day–and–they were easy to do.  She’d go in and do her business in nothing flat.  Her tummy got flatter, she lost a few pounds, her skin looked better, and she felt more energetic. You know, thought Emily Browne, after her horror of learning that something was to be slid into her booty for health reasons, she was glad Lisa shared this with her.  She made a conscious choice not to be full of crap anymore.
P.S. Editor’s Note:  Lisa’s story is a factual story relayed to the author by Lisa.  And, as Suzan Almirol will tell you, everyone’s experience of colonics is different.  Suzan Almirol is located at Colon Care Center at 921 Lincoln Avenue, Napa, Calif., 94558 and her number is 707.255.0101.
One more source of information: The Value of Colon Hydrotherapy verified by Medical Professionals by Morton Walker, DPM, a medical journalist report.

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