Boomer Style Magazine


James Van Praagh & Dr. Brian Weiss

April 28, 2012 by boomerstyle in Metaphysical with 0 Comments

James Van Praagh & Dr. Brian Weiss

A Day with the Boys
By Dawn Bonner
Internationally renowned medium, James Van Praagh, and best selling author, Dr. Brian Weiss, speak to thousands of people around the globe at events called ‘Day of Enlightenment.’  People travel from every place imaginable in order to spend an interesting day with Van Praagh and Dr. Weiss.

Weiss said, “People all over the world are interested in life after death and they are not getting their answers from religion.”

This may help in explaining why more movies and TV shows are dealing with the subject of life after death and ghost visits.  And why people came from most every state in our great nation, but they came from other countries.  All to spend time with these two men.
People that attend the seminars do so for different reasons.  Many had loved ones who recently crossed over (as Van Praagh says) and had hopes of speaking with them.  Still others were looking for answers from their past–a very distant past.
And some had items moved in their house with no explanation, for instance, pictures. Some recounted stories of TVs turning on and off for no reason or batteries going dead before their time. Several told of electronic equipment not working properly and their repair shops could not explain the malfunctions. One man talked about a radio in his daughter’s bedroom that kept turning on and off, yet there was no one in the room.  Well, no one that he could see anyway.
About Spirits
Van Praagh explains spirits need energy. The energy needed comes from electronic equipment, fear, fighting; as well as thoughts of the dearly departed.
He said, “Do you know where the most haunted places are? Dentist offices and hospitals.”

“All of the souls I have talked with have been very happy. None of them is depressed or sad. Thank God for that, it would be very depressing to work with that everyday. The spirits have a great sense of humor. There is nothing to fear from them,” said Van Praagh.

Van Praagh is the consultant for ‘Ghost Whisperer’ on CBS, Friday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT. He also is releasing a new book ‘The Ghosts Among us,’ and has two special evenings of connecting to the spiritual realms scheduled.  Plus, he teaches classes on how to develop and use psychic and mediumship abilities.  He has authored several books and has appeared on many national TV shows.

About Dr. Weiss

The day is fascinating and it flies by.  Weiss starts the day out with a meditation.  He actually does a few meditations.  On one of these he walks the everyone in the group back to one of their past lives.  You sit in your chair and he talks to you in a smooth, soothing voice.  Very relaxing.  You are fully cognizant of what is going on around you.  He asks a series of questions and soon, a large majority of the group is recalling past life events.  Some recalls are vivid, others feel impressions, and for a very few–nothing.

Weiss can remove phobias and mysterious pains.  That is, if the pain was caused by a past life cell memory.

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