Boomer Style Magazine


My Spiritual Soujourns of 2008 Angela Carbone

April 25, 2012 by lyra in Metaphysical with 0 Comments

Spiritual Sojourns of 2008

A Look Back
By Angela Carbone

As I look forward to 2008 transforming into the new year, I like to revisit, the inspiring spiritual delvings and interactions, which I found myself guided to the last 12 months.   Beside the meditative alone quality time, there were various groups within which I mingled, that offered a neat shift  involving person to person mutual spiritual support.


Celestine Prophecy

The last few years via cyberspace, I’ve been in touch with about six people from different parts of the world whom I’ve befriended during our follow through of the exercises in James Redfield’s  Celestine Prophecy an Experiential Guide.  We remind ourselves to be aware of the coincidences that appear, they lead us to accomplish our missions in life through using methods to charge-up our energy, taken from the Source of It All.  Plus, working on developing better relationships, healing ourselves, and helping to heal the world.  For more information, here’s a link to a Celestine Prophecy site.



Another ongoing circle of friends I participate with in physical face to face space, involves native American Shamanism. About once a month, we have a pot-luck, do smudging, pass the talking stick and power deck cards, and do guided meditations from tapes by Lynne Andrews.   I am not a follower of Lynne Andrews, I just believe in the same Truth that is evident throughout so many teachings, including hers, and I enjoy the vibe of sharing with those who do jive with her as their teacher.

Spirit Attachments

On another note, being a hypnotherapist, I was curious to check out two hypnotists who demonstrated their findings of who they claim are entities whether of the human, demon or alien variety that attach themselves to an individual’s body parts whereby causing the host to take on certain symptons like uncontrollable overeating.  Once established, the entity is coaxed out, sometimes with the help of Archangel Michael, to go back to the Light.  My jury is still out on this one, since I’m still not sure if it may just be another aspect of ourselves that may be inflicting the damage, perhaps in the way of a sort of subtle case of “multiple personalities.”


Group Therapy

My good friend and spiritual sister, Krystyna, has turned me onto many extraordinary events and people.  A special one, Nick, who was first introduced as an avid expert on all things Seth, the personality who was channeled by Jane Roberts.  It became clear as we started seeing Nick fairly regularly, bringing other friends along, he was so much more than that.  He spoke of an experience that changed his life after having been unconscious for a week following a car accident, which caused a brain trauma. During this time he met with his Oversoul who told him he would only come back into his present body and regain consciouness if he could become more psychic; which he did.  Nick has become a trusted good friend, who in a very upbeat, playful manner tunes in to those around and gives excellent messages and suggestions always worded in the most positive and beneficial way.   With a resounding “yes” he accents a steady stream of communication on how we’ve created what is happening in our lives, how we can adjust our understanding, and how to transform in order to create what we really, really want.


On occasion, I have, with a number of various healer-types together beat on drums and let out all manner of sounds coming from our vocal chords in wild abandon and be lead on a dream spirit quest all under the name of Dare’.  Mandaza, a shaman from Zimbabwe, created Dare’ to heal and help spread peace throughout the world.  He speaks to natures’ elements and our spirit ancestors, and they in turn, speak to him through music and water ceremony.  It is all a beautiful coming together of harmony of all peoples, especially addressing the children, that they are directed to the ways of learning, caring, and sharing.


Channeled Essence

Another African reference appeared when I first met Kris  from Kris Chronicles, an amazing entity who actually comes through a man called Serge.  The channeled being Kris, told me my Essence name isBabwa and there is a deep river running through me that draws from many African focuses, or lifetimes. Even to some very high civilizations that have for the most part are simply gone from man’s memory.  His words zero in and fine-tune, each person who see him can then use the Law of Attraction.  Plus, he helps them with grasping philosophical concepts such as parallel lives, much like Seth did.


Divine Mother

Ahhhh, I must next talk about Mother Meera, a lovely incarnation of the Divine Mother.  Silently she evoked bliss upon my soul.  Those who receive darshan from her, bow down while she places her hands on their temples while she explains–“on the back of the human being is a white line running up from toes to the head. In fact, two lines start from the toes, rise along the legs, join at the base of the spine and then become a single line reaching to the top of the head. This line is thinner than a hair, and has some knots in it here and there which divine personalities help to undo.”  Then one gazes into her dark eyes of eternity where she sees clearly the difficulties the individual needs help with.  I distinctly felt electrical charges in the back of my head and temples even while I sat meditating awaiting my turn. Clearings of sorts followed in the weeks to come for me and others who were there with me.  Whether it can be attributed to being with the Mother or not can only be speculation.



Halloween this year turned out to be quite enchanting.  Several of us decided, since it was such a warm, clear night we would attend a Samhain ceremony a friend of ours, who happens to be a high priest of The Wiccan Church of Canada, would be conducting with a priestess in the middle of some cozy wooded area.  Coincidence was evident when there were a total of 14 people who showed up, with an even number of males and females represented; which was quite amazing because the Wiccans are so into balancing the two energies.  A bonfire was created, candles were lit, and we all paid homage to the four directions.  Some candles were placed on the ground, making it appear as if we were providing a landing strip of sorts. Each in turn would ask the High Priest to call out a name of someone who had passed on.  A coin iwas offered and a bell rung.  It is believed on the eve before All Saints and All Souls Days, the veil between worlds is very thin, causing greater ease to have a visit with one who has gone to the Other Side. Finally, in celebration, foods of the season were shared with all in attendance; we of the flesh and blood and those disincarnate, alike.

Intuitive Healer 

Recently, I interracted with Angelo Corriero, a Medical Intuitive and Healer. Physically he is so young and yet, so wise.  He speaks Truth with a variety of tools to aid him in analyzing and helping those who come to him. At the free workshop  I attended with him, he insightfully sparked an awareness of a source-cause of why I’ve held myself back in certain self-sabotaging behaviours.  I’ve booked a couple of phone appointments for next week with him for me and my son, and look forward to what he will pick-up for our ongoing journeys of self-healing and self-realization.

A New Page

All of this past year’s interminglings are a mere page from chapters of accumulated experiences spent with my dipping into a tastes of nectar and states of ever expanding consciousness; where I get glimpses of Clarity, Truth and Beauty.  Each event builds to a stronger more deeply rooted Center of Knowingness, where magic is alive and God is afoot.  Each spiritual encounter is a step, which guides me onward and upward as I look forward to the Wonders to come, that will bless me for the year 2009, and each and every year, thereafter.

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